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Today in Project 2025: Wow, these guys really hated the 1970s

1 min read

Today in Project 2025, we examine the very first paragraphs of the Mandate for Leadership, the document detailing all the different government programs, corporate departments, cultural movements, and individual rights that Donald Trump's ideological partners insist be dismantled if the coup-attempting Trump returns to power. Page 34:

Contemporary elites have even repurposed the worst ingredients of 1970s “radical chic” to build the totalitarian cult known today as “The Great Awokening.”  And now, as then, the Republican Party seems to have little understanding about what to do. Most alarming of all, the very moral foundations of our society are in peril.

Heritage Foundation head Kevin Roberts is a very serious person and I will not have you laughing at him, as he sits here ranting on about how much he hated the 1970's. And he just keeps going on about it, too. On and on and on.

The bad news today is that our political establishment and cultural elite have once again driven America toward decline. The good news is that we know the way out even though the challenges today are not what they were in the 1970s. Conservatives should be confident that we can rescue our kids, reclaim our culture, revive our economy, and defeat the anti-American Left—at home and abroad. We did it before and will do it again.

Roberts rides Ronald Reagan's decaying corpse hither and yon, during his little screed, but it's at least mildly impressive that his brain goes from "radical chic" to "totalitarian" to "cultural decline" (keep in mind that fascist movements take as central premise the notion that their nation is in "decline" and can only reclaim its former glory by eliminating the ideological enemies who have betrayed it) and within a few short pages we've gone from that to demands that America imprison anyone who produces or distributes an "ideology" Roberts finds distasteful.

Really though, once you've trotted out a sentence like "Contemporary elites have even repurposed the worst ingredients of 1970s 'radical chic' to build the totalitarian cult known today as 'The Great Awokening.'" you've already jumped the shark. Or the couch, anyway.

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